What is the list of goods and services of a trademark?

The goods or services for which we file a trademark application are classified in the Nice Classification. The classification has an administrative function, and the number of classes for which we file a trademark affects the official fee for the trademark application and protection.  When indicating a particular product or service, e.g. clothing, we must … Continued

Trademark protection in the metaverse

When Birkin meets MetaBirkin – what does the law say? The topic of trademark protection in the virtual world is not new, but it gained colour when the metaverse, which is described as a three-dimensional virtual world, came into the spotlight.[1] This issue emerged in one of the disputes before an American court. Mason Rotschild … Continued

Product packaging can be an industrial design

What does it mean in practice? The appearance of the packaging used for the goods you buy is important. Many studies have been written about packaging design, and companies spare no effort to make their packaging stand out on the shelf and be easily remembered by customers. It’s true that interesting packaging will not only … Continued

How an IP specialist created and protected her brand – a story

There is a saying that “the shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot.” I am a supporter of exactly the opposite concept. It is our proverbial shoes that allow us to showcase what is important and why. If I recommend certain solutions to our clients, they are the solutions that I would use if I were in a similar situation.

Is a trademark application expensive?

Protection against imitation and copying You incur financial expenses to develop your brand. Brand protection means protecting the financial outlays incurred. Appropriate protection of a trademark at an early stage makes it easier to take action in the event of a possible imitation of your brand or the products or services offered. Optimizing the protection … Continued

What can happen if you do not register the mark early enough?

In my opinion, the answer is no. The problem of entrepreneurs delaying too long in filing a trademark application has appeared several times in my professional work. Additionally, I recently came across a great example of why you shouldn’t put off filing a trademark application while watching the She-Hulk series. She-Hulk’s trademark adventure As a … Continued

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